Does my business need a hearing loop system?
As of March 2012, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) states that businesses with public facilities are required by federal law to provide equal access to people with disabilities, including those who have difficulty hearing. Indiana Hearing Loops can help a variety of businesses and organizations meet these federal regulations. Our professionals understand these comprehensive laws and how to keep your business within code.
Our solutions help all types of businesses with hearing loop systems, including:
- Senior Centers
- Places of Worship
- Auditoriums
- Museums
- Libraries
- Schools
- Airports
- Concert Halls
- Courtrooms
- Meeting/Conference Rooms
- Theaters
- Banks & Pharmacies
- Ticket Windows
- Drive Through Windows
- Homes
Whether your organization is a place of entertainment, healthcare, leisure, worship, or business, we can help outfit a hearing loop system tailored to meet your needs—no matter the size or location.